Birthday Reviews: Vinge

There is only one journey this week but with an interstellar journey of extreme importance as well-written as this, you only need one.

Vernor Vinge (1944-10-02)

“Long Shot” (Analog, August 1972)

Via third-person limited narration, we accompany an AI named Ilse through her experiences as she goes through a sort of school in orbit around Earth, gets equipped with a new and much larger body, takes a thrilling jump down to the Sun before dispensing with that body and hurtling outward from the Solar System with the gravity-assist to begin her 10,000 year journey to Alpha Centauri. Along the way, something epochal occurs in an offhand line (fortunately, Ilse is a bit naive but, unfortunately, the reader is not) and Ilse struggles with the ills that circuits are heir to, threatening her mission with several angles of failure.

This is very nearly a perfect story. Maybe it’s a little too slow in parts before the stakes are raised, but they are raised. Maybe a word or two could have been different but it does have an understated, evocative style. Maybe the journey is too clear and straightforward but it’s a tremendous journey and complications do occur before its effective completion. Essentially, it’s a superb realization of what an interstellar journey would be like and is a fascinatingly humanist story despite being diamond-hard SF [1] with an AI for its only character. Again, a truly superb and strongly-recommended story.

[1] Hard SF for 1972, though exoplanet hunting technology has progressed by leaps and bounds beyond where Vinge has it in this story.

6 thoughts on “Birthday Reviews: Vinge

    • That collection is on my shelves, too, and I haven’t read it (all) either. I read the collection True Names (the title story of which is maddeningly not in the collected stories, but was shunted out into its own collection which is otherwise non-fiction) and that one – not just the title story – was a great collection. We should both read the whole Collected Stories soon. 🙂

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